• 28 июня 2019, пятница
  • Москва, Охотный ряд, д. 2

Quest-tour in Moscow: the secret of a Soviet archeologist. A treasure hunting mission.

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Другие события организатора

1756 дней назад
28 июня 2019 c 18:00 до 21:00
Охотный ряд, д. 2

Some remarkable documents on the XXth century fell in our hands. A famous Soviet archeologist seems to have known something about the treasure of the past… If we are able to decode his messages, follow a secret route and solve Moscow mysteries, we might be able to find hidden treasures!

Some remarkable documents on the XXth century unexpectedly fell in our hands. They had been hidden by a famous Soviet archeologist, and we can assume they lead to the treasures of the past. 

Independent researchers will help us to solve the mysteries of the said archeologist and find these treasures!

I invite the most curious adventure seekers to take part in a treasure hunting mission, explore Moscow, decode messages and find hints. And receive a reward!

What are we in for?

- the history of Moscow and its remarkable citizens;
- facts and legends of the past;
- snacks;
- decoding messages;
- seeking hints;
- logical tasks;
- land navigation;
- city exploration;
- architectural masterpieces;
- mysteries of the city;
- treasure (if we find it☺).

A quest-tour lasts for 3 hours. Do not forget comfortable shoes and a raincoat (the weather in Moscow in unpredictable).

Phone: +7 (919) 105-78-83 

E-mail: olga_quest_tours@zhivotarova.com

See you soon, dear adventurers!



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